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Fire and Life Safety | Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Marnie Peters & Co Inc. (now Accessibility Simplified) has extensive experience ensuring the inclusion of  persons with disabilities with respect to addressing fire and life safety and emergency and disaster preparedness


Accessibility Simplified can work with you to ensure that the fire and life safety provisions that you incorporate into your buildings address the fire and life safety needs of everyone, including persons with disabilities and older persons - addressing your human rights obligations beyond what the building codes and standards cover.

Case Study - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

​​​Managed the On Thin Ice Project, a three year project to address the emergency preparedness needs of persons with disabilities living in Canada’s far North.


The following publications were developed and made available in English and French as well as the indigenous languages of Inuktitut and Dene:

• Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities: A Northern Perspective;

• Facilities Accessibility Checklist;

• Suggested Best Practices for Northern Emergency Planning: Strategies for Inclusive Emergency Planning in Canada’s North; 

Emergency Planning and Preparedness for People with Disabilities in Canada’s North: A Handbook

• Disability Awareness Training Presentation for First Responders;

Tips and Tricks for First Responders

Emergency Planning: Addressing the Needs of Students with Disabilities in Schools

• Lesson Plans on Disability and Inclusion for Schools

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DiDRR Guideline Front Cover.jpg

Case Study - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Working with the Asia Pacific Disaster Center (APDC) and the Asian Broadcast Union (ABU) respectively as part of the GAATES project teams, provision of extensive research, writing and editing services for the development of the Guidelines on Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction: Disabilities and Disasters and Guidelines
on Accessible Early Warning Broadcasts

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